Relentless Positivity Fitness For Women

109 Weatherly Road, Huntsville, AL

(256) 468-7146

Program Director and Head Coach

Joe Martin is the owner of Relentless Positivity Fitness. He teaches all of the in person and online classes. He has won several awards, including Huntsville’s Healthiest Trainer, Huntsville’s Healthiest Male, Relentless Positivity Fitness was voted the best place in Huntsville to workout, and his book Relentless Positivity hit the Amazon Best Sellers list.

He prides himself on his ability to make exercise fun, safe, and effective for everybody no matter what size they are or what kind of shape they are in.

Joe had been a lifelong athlete, until one day he woke up and realized he was 50 pounds overweight, depressed, and injured. It was a turning point in his life when he got fed up and realized there had to be a better way. From that day on he has dedicated his life to studying health and fitness and using it to help others achieve their goals.

My Story

When people see me now, I look like a pretty healthy, fit, and happy person. But it wasn’t always the case.

I’ve been:

  • -Overweight

  • -Depressed

  • -Out of shape

  • -Injured

  • -Uncomfortable in my clothes and body

  • -Clueless on how to eat or exercise to lose weight

  • -Hopeless

I’ve spent my life dedicated to helping others overcome those same obstacles. Because I know how it feels to be so overwhelmed that you feel like it’s not even worth the effort to start. To wake up every day and not be happy with how I look and feel. To feel like I don’t matter. I pride myself on making sure that everyone gets results and that no one ever gets left behind.

I treat everyone in my classes like they are family. Including my own mom who is in her 70s and still comes to class! You’re never too far gone and it’s never too late. Start today. I promise you I will meet you at whatever fitness level you currently are at and help you get to the level you want to go.

I would love for you to join us!

We provide safe, fun, and effective workouts to help women of all shapes, sizes, and ages to look better, feel better, and have more energy than they have had in years.

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